• 分類| 新築
  • 竣工年月日|Years:2007年7月
  • 設計工期|Years:2005年12月〜2007年3月
  • 延べ床面積|Scale:1,657.96㎡
  • 用途| Category:集合住宅|Apartment
  • 構造規模|Scale:

    RC造 地下1階 地上3階

  • 所在地|Place:福岡市城南区荒江1-14-4


This apartment complex of 17 dwelling units places in Fukuoka City. The site is on the border of an old primitive road with place containing a buried cultural property and a systematically developed public apartment complex. We have height-limit of building to make the building harmonize with the surrounding environment.
We try to propose various ways of living under this height-limit. We planed two buildings not to disturb lights and winds to the house next to the building site. One building is flat type and the other is maisonette type.
The exterior is designed to unify the owner's house which is after "refining" and stands next to Deco BLD. Specifically, we considered to fit its beautiful city landscape by using white splay tiles and black garvanised stealseats That is represented by an image of "white wall of Fukuoka castle."